Obertauern is one of the snowiest ski areas in Austria and offers numerous attractions for all winter sports lovers, excellent accommodation and skiing experiences that will be recounted until next winter.
What is so attractive about Obertauern, located in the wonderful alpine landscape and what is the formula for success, we found out from the top people of the tourist board, director mag.iur. Maier Mona and director Siedler Maria.
W: What sets Obertauern apart from other Austrian ski resorts and why does it not come off the list of one of the best ski resorts in Europe?
Obertauern is one of the most popular ski resorts in Europe as it is one of the highest and therefore we are the absolut No.1 when it comes to the snow-safety.
No other resort is having more average snowfall than Obertauern. But also the convenience of having a 100% ski-in/ski-out from every hotel in the resort is highly appreciated by our guests.
W: Ivica Kostelić really likes to ski on the ski slopes of Obertauern. However, it is also known that your tourist board cooperates very well with him. How did this collaboration come about and why did you choose this particular Croatian skier for promotion?
Ivica Kostelic has been in Obertauern for training as a very young athlete on his way to the World Cup. By that time he did not yet think about the skiing possibilities beside racing. Now, after his successful carreer, he came back in 2022 for the reason that Obertauern has been the almost only resort that was able to offer good snow conditions in the alps.
He got to know Obertauern and now we think he loves it. We thought that it is a good idea to start a collaboration with the – as we would call it “all time skiing hero” of Croatia. We are supporting him mainly with the shootings and production of his upcoming skiing movie.
W: Can you describe the main characteristics of the ski slopes and terrain configuration?
The slopes in Obertauern are various. Fact is that we have about 90 percent blue and red runs and about 10 percent black. All together about 100km. But the big + on top is that we can offer minimum the same range of freeride possibilities.
W: Lately, you are one of the few places where there is always enough snow. Does this mean a greater number of skiers on the slopes and even greater tourism development from hotels, restaurants and other service industries?
As we do have these perfect snow conditions we have a positive booking situation throughout the whole season from November to May. It doesn’t mean that it is more crowded or that there are big plans to extend the resort or area.
Due to the natural situation Obertauern will not get that much bigger regarding the number of beds or hotels. We are surrounded by an area of natural retreatment areas as well as restricted areas for new investments (also for safety reasons – regarding avalanche zones). There are approx. 10000 guest beds and there will not be that many more. Local businesses are investing in quality and not quantity.
W: Austria is known for year-round tourist visits. What does Obertauern have to offer in non-ski season?
Beside the winter season Obertauern has a small but fine summer season especially for hikers, bikers, nature lovers. The summer season is very short though. Only the months of middle of june to middle of September can be used for summer holidays.
W: This ski resort also stands out as family friendly? What contributes to such an attribute?
Families in Obertauern are more than welcome. Especially the easy slopes, the terrain which is perfect for kids, easy, sunny, relaxed atmosphere – combined with the service of 5 ski-schools and several fun zones for kids are the main decision criteria for a family holiday in Obertauern.
W: What other activities in the snow, apart from sledding, can be tried at your ski resort?
Imagin all types of winter sports – that’s all possible in Obertauern.
From cross-country, to biathlon, from tobboganing to winter hiking, ice climbing, snowkiting, horse sleigh rides, skitouring.
Think of something – we have it.
W: Apart from the ski and snowboard slopes, what are the attractions of Obertauern that visitors can see?
Beside Wintersports it is the quality of life in Obertauern that attracts the clients. 99% have never seen that much snow. It feels like being in a fantasy world. Several historical places can also be seen like the Beatles monuments as well as the historic picture gallery or the roman artefacts from the ancient road through Obertauern..
W: And finally, one more important question for skiers and visitors of Obertauern ????
What is the nightlife like in Obertauern, what is the best to eat and what to sweeten, and what should be tasted from your fine wines?
Obertauern and Apres-Ski – no more words needed! That is something that goes together for a long time. People really like to party in Obertauern as you do not need your car anymore after having a couple of drinks. There is a huge variety of huts, bars, restaurant, indoor- and outdoor locations for every taste.
One can say that one particular place is the best. It´s all about your individual feeling, but there is something for everybody.
But never forget to have a Wiener Schnitzel and a Kaiserschmarren with a good glass of Austrian wine and a high quality “Schnaps” as digestif.