Ladies have you tried tapioca pudding?
As a welcome drink my boyfriends mum, who is an amazing cook, now retired and has time for doing more projects around the house served us with samples of her home made liqueurs made with special Croatian home made liqueur (40% alcohol) ‘rakija’ as a base and various additives per taste as: cherries, walnut or with flowers like Roses.
Like most other working girls I am trying to juggle my work schedule while at the same cook healthy daily for my boyfriend and myself at least twice a day.
Like with studying with preparing for Summer shape I really start last minute when it comes to daily exercising.
I start PMSing about 4 days before my period.
My boyfriend and I have one date night each week, usually on Sundays (when he is at home) and we go to our favorite restaurant in Barcelona Carpe Diem on Barceloneta beach, there I always order the same (after I tried pretty much the whole menu) – Rocket dog goat cheese salad.
After I showed the photo of my wild mushroom and chicken risotto on Facebook some of you asked me to share full recipe.